Maiken Foods’ mission is to be one of the main players in the world to supply high-end value-added consumer ready seafood products.
Who are we?
We are a group of engineers and aquaculturists from Norway
What are our plans?
Construct and operate a land-based salmon farm in Portugal
In more details...
Utilizing energy from solar panels to:
- Regulate water temperature
- Produce Hydrogen
- Power up the entire farm
Maiken Foods AS inngår leieavtale for Atlantic Sapphires landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg i Danmark.
Oslo, 31. januar 2025 – Maiken Foods AS, med hovedkontor i Caspar Storms vei 16, Oslo, har inngått en avtale med Atlantic Sapphire Danmark AS om leie av deres landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg i Langsand, 6960 Hvide Sande, Danmark. I tillegg har Maiken Foods sikret seg en opsjon på å kjøpe 100 % av aksjene i Atlantic Sapphire Danmark AS. En milepæl for Maiken Foods – Dette markerer starten på vårt eget prosjekt med egenutviklet teknologi, sier Arve Gravdal, daglig leder i Maiken Foods AS. – I løpet
About us
Maiken’s RAS (Recycling Aquaculture System) consists of individual tanks, without interaction with other tanks. In other words, tanks are independent. It is a new simple technology where water is recirculated by cleansing it inside the tank.
Our first project of land-based fish farming in Portugal is planned in Sines, where we currently lease a large industrial site, which is close to the Atlantic ocean. Significantly important that solar panels will power the entire fish farm, and CO2 from the tanks will be used to make protein for feeding fish.
As a result, this will be a fantastic project with a circular economy, and it is extremely ESG friendly. That’s the main argument behind its creation. Moreover, no long transport stages with emissions and using green energy from the sun.
The advantage of the project is that we can start building and setting fish into the tank before the whole facility is ready. Since tanks are completely independent.
The cash flow will start in the first year of operation after the beginning of the construction.
become our investor
If you are interested in joining us on our journey as an investor for land-based fish farming in Portugal, please send us your details via the below form and we will be in contact.
Maiken Foods® is currently not a Public Traded Stock. Thank you for your interest!